Gina Stovall

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My Baby is Turning One

It’s been a year, a full revolution around the sun, and a full revolution within myself. My baby is becoming a toddler and he definitely got the memo.

I thought I would be more weepy than I am. I am more in disbelief at how long some days felt, but how fast this year has passed. I feel we, as a family, have live hundreds of lives in this single year. We’re actively evolving into a family unit, and it’s a beautiful (while jarring) experience.

This milestone feels significant but also not so much. Tomorrow we will wake up and run our same routine, take on what comes at us, and keep it moving. “One” feels more like a rest stop to take it all in. An intentional milestone placed on the calendar of days to remind us to appreciate all that we have accomplished. “One” is a chance for us to party and celebrate our little guy, even if he has no idea why.

One, right now, looks like a lot of action; crawling, cruising, and some walking about. Sami is still obsessed with “Ball” and has more than one baby should probably own. Days are filled with music and dancing and you would be surprised by the rhythm he has (gets it from his mama). Opening and closing doors is one of the coolest things on the planet right now, as are drawers. He saying more words and consonant sounds other than “ba.” And he’s started using a few signs, the cutest of which is “milk.” The car seat is still the worst, but is made better with nursery rhymes. And at the top of the list for favorite foods we have pumpkin and crackers. There is so much more about my little dude that can’t be easily summed up in a few sentences. His sweet, precocious, and determined personality is blooming more and more each day. It makes waking up before the sun after a rough night’s sleeping easier because I get to learn something new about this little human who has now existed outside of me for an entire year!