Gina Stovall

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One Year Ago Everything Changed

Throwback to April 30th, 2022… exactly a year ago I got the positive pregnancy test that brought us Sami. I remember being in disbelief, after peeing on so many sticks and a lot of disappointment I kinda wasn’t expecting a positive (despite praying for it). I was in so much disbelief that I took a test every morning for nearly two weeks to make sure my HCG levels were increasing.

I was anxious to say the least. I experienced a chemical pregnancy before and that coupled with my lifetime fear of infertility (not to go down that rabbit hole but I have always had an irregular cycle), put me on edge. I was scared to be too physical, I even remember wondering if some of my pants were too constricting!

I was elated and filled with hope, and yet filled with fear. All of the “what ifs” set in like concrete before I even finished processing my joy. That’s a large part why I didn’t share my pregnancy online until well into my third trimester.

After realizing the news we went ahead with our days as if all was the same, it’s such a bizarre experience. On one hand I want to shout it for the world to hear, and on the other I needed to keep it quiet and sacred just between us and eventually those closest to us.

Now as I sit here in my new reality and looking back at that day I kinda miss when my partner and I were a carefree twosome. But that feeling is fleeting because Sami is what I have prepared my whole life for 🤍 truly a blessing like no other I have experienced. So far our life as a threesome has taught me so much and brought so much more love into my life. I cannot wait to see how our lives together continue to unfold!