Gina Stovall

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Hometown Tourist: Reynolda Gardens

I recently went to visit my Grandmother and parents in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Although originally from NYC, I spent most of my childhood growing up there. I always thought of Winston-Salem as home and not a place to discover and explore, but on this trip I recognized that is not so. On this trip I took a few hours with my mother and sister in tow to wander about Reynolda Gardens, a place I know but never really appreciated. That changed on this visit...

Reynolda Gardens is part of the former estate of tabacco magnate and businessman Richard Joshua Reynolds. The grounds were developed in 1906 during a period called the Country House Era where wealthy industrialists would build lavish estates to which they could retreat to for fresh air and relaxation. Now the garden's 129 acres are maintained by Wake Forest University and used for educational and public purposes. While there we strolled though the gardens near the greenhouse (above) and the Reynolda House museum (below), and on my next trip I plan to explore the boathouse and meadows. And as you can see we also took lots of selfies and pictures of the beautiful botanicals!

Just writing this post is exciting me to get back soon and see so much more of that Winston has to offer!