Month 6 Diary

I cannot believe we are here. We are just about to leave the 2nd trimester and enter the last stretch of sharing this body of mine. You are growing so quickly, I am hungrier everyday (hungry as I type!) and the bump you call home is getting harder to hide. I love my little bump and all the activity you produce inside. Your kicks, wiggles, and punches are getting stronger by the day. We play a game now where I put my hand on my stomach and you seem to find it giving me a little thump to each place I move it. You’ve also stopped being so bashful when your dad touches the belly and you kick him just as hard as me. You used to go still at his touch every time and I wondered if you were trolling him or just hesitant to kick and unfamiliar person (how polite indeed).

The crib went up this week, your dad put it together eagerly as soon as it arrived. It brings us so much joy seeing it in our room, imagining you sleeping sweetly in it so soon.

I’ve also told folks at my job now and you have been getting so many well wishes already. The world is waiting for you, no one more eagerly than dad and I though.