My Current Aid to Reduce Food Waste


If you’ve been around here a while you probably already know I have been eliminating plastic and all kinds of waste from my household. While I haven’t bought plastic wrap in many years, and typically use Pyrex containers to store leftovers, finding sensical storage techniques for things like half of a lemon has been challenging. Last year I started using beeswax coated cloths, which at first glance seemed the most sustainable option. Reusable, check, made of natural materials, check, easy to clean, no check. I’ve steered away from using them because of the crumbs and dust my wax cloths tend to pick up and have gone back to the clunky glass containers for everything. Until I got these little silicone babies in my recent Causebox! They are dishwasher safe and come in a variety of sizes so they can fit over many container sizes and even produce. It’s only been days but this feels promising!

Find these at Alternative Cooking Hub.