
7 Things I've Learned About Newborns

I first drafted this post when Baby Sami was a month and a half and I just rediscovered it. Those first six weeks were SO TOUGH so I am unsurprised I didn’t post it then, but now that time feels so far away. Here are seven things brand new mama Gina wishes she knew about newborns and the postpartum experience sooner!

  1. Babies are incredibly noisy sleepers! It’s alarming at first, and then it’s just disruptive 😆

  2. So much of the day is spent on regulating gases, and the rest of the day on fluids. Learn all the tummy massages and get familiar with your babies discomfort cues. A probiotic may also help if baby has chronic digestive issues.

  3. Laundry is as bad as folks say but you still can’t fathom the amount you’ll need to do. Create a system, quick!

  4. Now is not the time to be minimalist. Buy all the burp cloths you can store and anything that adds a little extra convenience.

  5. Sleep when the baby is sleeping is the best advice, let the house go to hell and clean up when they’re no longer a newborn.

  6. Lean on your mom/parent friends, they know what you’re going through and get it without much explanation. Don’t hesitate to reach out, you’re only doing yourself a disservice if you don’t.

  7. And finally, trust your intuition. Caregivers and especially mothers have evolved to care for their babies. You know more than you think you do.